Friday, November 27, 2009

The Calgary Parking Authority = Candy Thieves

Kaitlin MacLeod-Rogers

Opinion Reporter

Good news: parking rates in and around downtown Calgary fell this past Monday. Bad news: to make up the shortfall, the long-held tradition of free Sunday parking is gone. Don Braid of The Calgary Herald sums up the city’s proposed parking rate cuts as the ultimate mean gesture: “[They’re] as unpopular as a candy thief at a kid’s birthday party.” His November 17th editorial blasts Dale Fraser, in particular, as head of the Calgary Parking Authority. The technology used by the Authority to nab parking space freeloaders, including scanning license plates with spy trucks, has the potential to turn the “sleepy” Authority into a “political monster.” And that’s what’s causing the most controversy. Fraser, states Braid, just can’t see it: “[He’s] an honest man with no political sense (two qualities that often go hand in hand) … not appear[ing] to hear the hoofbeats.”

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