Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tax Hike Looks Inevitable

Sunjeev Prasad

News Reporter

Even though Calgarians are facing a tax hike of 4.79% in the upcoming tax season it could have been much worse had no action taken place. City council put the wheels in motion back in March and managed to decrease the hike from 11.2% to 4.79% which will surely relieved local taxpayers given the current economic climate. Though this is already a significant decline in the rate hike a number of council members were still in favour of lowering the hike as far as 2% but this would not be possible without significantly decreasing services. A number of other proposals were made by city council members including a reduction in public library funding by 1.7% and even an attempt to lower the ill favoured LRT parking rates from $3 to $1 was shot down by the council. It is likely that the increase in municipal taxes will hover around the 4.79% range since the budget is officially due before the years end.

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