Friday, October 30, 2009

Festival Hall Using Calgarian's Money?

Jordan Allatt
Analytical Reporter

A city committee has approved $1.8 million of infrastructure budget to be directed towards financing a new festival hall in Inglewood. The project will cost $5.2 million, without having to be funded by the federal government. The $ 1.8 million is being taken out of Calgary’s $165 million cultural infrastructure budget, set aside by the province. This new facility will provide a home for the Folk Fest, and a place of rest for the one thousand five hundred volunteers who will work in the hall. Little city funding will be used in the building project, but the operation of the facility will probably be accounted for by Calgarians. However, it is predicted that this will be a relatively minor expense, and many Calgarians seem to agree with establishing a cultural center in Inglewood. Check out the link below to monitor the Calgary Heralds coverage of this recent issue.

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