Friday, October 23, 2009

Local Politicians at Risk

Sunjeev Prasad
News Reporter

While remaining on the topic of how our tax dollars are being spent, many Calgarians are finding it difficult to muster up the support for the current politicians in control. Whether it is a an alderman or a city council member many of them may be at risk of losing their jobs as a result of the upcoming election in the fall of 2010. The only positive aspect that comes from the recent rate hikes would be the attempt of city council to lower the said hike of 6.1% all while trying to manage the city's growing list of demands, along with the $25 million shortfall from a lack of revenues. If the odds weren't already against municipal politicians the addition of a $3 fee to park at all local transit stations has remained a sour taste in the mouths of Calgarians. And last but not least is the proposed $25 million bridge, that may not be paid for by the local taxpayers but is instead being backed by the provincial government. It would be safe to say that it would not be hard to find a few Calgarians that feel this is a terrible waste of money and could be put towards easing the deficit the city has already amounted rather than blowing it on a monstrosity of a bridge. The only way to find out is to wait until next years election to see who still has a job and which new faces will be taking over office.

Year of Discontent (October 18, 2009) by: Jason Markusoff and Kim Guttormson, retrieved October 21, 2009 from:

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