Friday, October 23, 2009

Provincial Sales Tax

Nicole Butz
News Reporter

As studies continue to amount regarding the lack of sales tax in Alberta, they all point to the same thing: good politics and bad tax policies. While the government is keeping citizens happy by keeping the taxes down, this may not be the best solution for the economy. Studies show that a provincial sales tax could boost corporate competitiveness with the rest of the world and attract more capital investment which will create more jobs. Specialists say that it is possible for consumers to avoid the tax by being cautious about what they purchase. Despite this, Premier Ed Stelmach, has declined bringing in a new sales tax and even cancelled a higher tax on alcohol sales this past summer. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business also declined the notion for sales tax in Alberta. The province should be expecting deficits for the next couple of years and a sales tax could be a way to make up for some of those losses.

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