Friday, October 16, 2009

Municipal Debt Not a Concern for Mayor

Sunjeev Prasad
News Reporter

With Calgary steadily amounting debt as a result of all the infrastructure additions being made, the mayor remains optimistic that the looming debt will not be an issue when it comes time to pay up. According to a report in the Calgary Sun as of October 14, 2009 the mayor reinforces that he believes the province will honour its $3.3-billion promise. With that said Calgarians should not have to worry about the new LRT expansion being halted anytime soon since it is only expected to inflate the current debt of the city to $2.5 billion, which is more than offset by the province’s agreed funding. To paint a more down to earth picture of how much the city is in debt; estimates by city officials equate to roughly $5,198 per household.

Source:Mayor says debt's in hand (2009) by: Renato Gandia, retrieved October 14, 2009 From: (

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