Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Arena Negativity

Kaitlin MacLeod-Rogers
Opinion Reporter

This week’s speculation surrounding a new home rink for The Calgary Flames got a lot of people talking – fans, professionals, politicians, and taxpayers alike. More specifically, people have been talking about exactly how a new arena should be funded, and who should have to foot the bill.
Carson Papke of the Sylvan Lake News voiced his opinion under the heading, “New Arenas Should Be Paid For By Owners” (link below), published Sept. 18, 2009.
Papke argues against all taxpayer involvement with regards to construction of a new Flames arena. His article brings up several points to back up his claim, all worthy of valid consideration.
He points out that the Flames (and Edmonton Oilers, who are also going through new arena discussions) are already very profitable businesses, i.e. the province’s expected surplus is better spent on the community or businesses that are actually struggling.
He also argues that tickets at sports and entertainment events are deliberately high in order to make money. That profit is the gravy boat from which any new building should be funded, Papke states. Non-hockey fans, he argues, should not have to pay for a new arena by way of their tax dollars.
If taxpaying fans of the Flames want to support their team’s building fund, he says, all they have to do is keep buying tickets to spread the love … and money.

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