Friday, October 30, 2009

East Village Under Way

Nicole Butz
News Reporter

Dirt is finally being dug up around the downtown area coined the East Village. Chris Ollenberger of the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation is overseeing the re-development. In 2020, the urban villages estimated completion date, it will accommodate 10,000 peoples' homes. The area will have six character areas which will be neighbourhoods which will have heritage buildings. It will extend to the Bow River, Third Street S.E., Elbow River, and 9th Avenue S.E. Architects are being hired for the construction of the new buildings and the new foot bridge that will connect the East Village and St. Patrick's Island. They will focus more on mid-rise apartments instead of high-rises. Land is even being raised 2.5 meters above the flood level. In total, infrastructure should cost upwards of $200 million. This money will be funded by tax-increment financing in which the city pays right away. After, the city will gain back the investment from the profits made by increased property taxes and new developments.

East Village could be a Success Story

Kaitlin MacLeod-Rogers
Opinion Reporter
Calgary’s East Village revamp should be a positive example for other blighted Canadian cities, according to Anne Jarvis of The Windsor Star. In her Oct. 19th article, Jarvis highlights the economic, social, and cultural benefits of the East Village project. She calls on other cities (including her hometown of Windsor, Ontario) to look to Calgary for wise taxpayer-funded investments, specifically the need to inject life back into once-vibrant, now-derelict downtown areas.She claims that arts and culture are a worthy project for Calgary, perhaps the most powerful way to transform the current neighbourhood, notorious for its homeless population, drug dealers and prostitution:“The city wants to reclaim the area and bring people back. It hopes to draw more than 11,000 people there to live. How will it get them? By using the arts, culture and heritage as a catalyst for renewal and innovation.”The city is investing $165 million in the East Village, what Jarvis quotes as “incredibly bold” during a recession. Although this is not a local piece, the author’s main argument has future implications for Calgary that can’t be ignored. If the East Village springs back as planned, Calgary could become a success story for the rest of Canada. And this, in turn, may convince taxpayers in other cities that the best investment of their money might be to re-energize local communities through the arts.

Positive Outlook for Ring Road

Stephanie Watt
Opinion Reporter

Jason Markusoff of the Calgary Herald talked to several Calgarians and asked them how much easier their commute would be when taking the new ring road into consideration. From what he examines in his articles many citizens speak of their hopes that this road will cut their travel time in half. They feel positively about the idea of the ring road and thinks that it’s about time Calgary planned and put it into action.

Ring Road Debate

Sunjeev Prasad
News Reporter
The long awaited ring road will likely have to be further postponed after the Tsuu T’ina nation threatened legal action arguing that their aboriginal rights have been violated. The city currently intends to proceed with construction since the road does not actually intersect with the tribe’s land. Following a variety of meetings with Tsuu T’ina band members, Mayor Dave Bronconnier has taken into account their concerns but states: "No one should be surprised--least of which the Tsuu T'ina Nation--that we would move forward to build this interchange." ( The development of the ring road is expected to provide a great deal of relief for southwest Calgary commuters and further delays will only exacerbate any and all traffic concerns. Plan B for the potential ring road is expected to cost the city over $40 million in addition to a $250,000 traffic circle that has already been developed as a temporary solution.

The future of Bowness Park

Jordan Allatt
Analytical Reporter
As Bowness Park approaches its centennial, the City Council has given an early go-ahead to a $10.3 million plan to improve the park. There is some doubt that the city will come up with enough funds to warrant this aggressive modernization. A council committee voted to put the improvement of Bowness Park as one of Calgary’s main infrastructure funding priorities. The project plans to concentrate the parking lots in Bowness, add a teahouse overlooking the lagoon by the park’s main gate, and remove the incredibly run-down amusement rides and mini-golf. Alderman Dale Hodges commented that the large park in his ward draws people from all over the city, and is an important feature of this city. Though the park is one of the most used in the city, it has not been given a major upgrade since the 1950’s. Take a look at the link below, and check back here for any updates on the parks upgrades.

Festival Hall Using Calgarian's Money?

Jordan Allatt
Analytical Reporter

A city committee has approved $1.8 million of infrastructure budget to be directed towards financing a new festival hall in Inglewood. The project will cost $5.2 million, without having to be funded by the federal government. The $ 1.8 million is being taken out of Calgary’s $165 million cultural infrastructure budget, set aside by the province. This new facility will provide a home for the Folk Fest, and a place of rest for the one thousand five hundred volunteers who will work in the hall. Little city funding will be used in the building project, but the operation of the facility will probably be accounted for by Calgarians. However, it is predicted that this will be a relatively minor expense, and many Calgarians seem to agree with establishing a cultural center in Inglewood. Check out the link below to monitor the Calgary Heralds coverage of this recent issue.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Provincial Sales Tax

Nicole Butz
News Reporter

As studies continue to amount regarding the lack of sales tax in Alberta, they all point to the same thing: good politics and bad tax policies. While the government is keeping citizens happy by keeping the taxes down, this may not be the best solution for the economy. Studies show that a provincial sales tax could boost corporate competitiveness with the rest of the world and attract more capital investment which will create more jobs. Specialists say that it is possible for consumers to avoid the tax by being cautious about what they purchase. Despite this, Premier Ed Stelmach, has declined bringing in a new sales tax and even cancelled a higher tax on alcohol sales this past summer. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business also declined the notion for sales tax in Alberta. The province should be expecting deficits for the next couple of years and a sales tax could be a way to make up for some of those losses.

Calgary Re-brand: Debate "unsettling"

Kaitlin MacLeod-Rogers
Opinion Reporter

No more "Heart of the New West" cowboy culture for Calgary. The city is getting a makeover. From Americans. Last week, a municipal steering committee funded largely by the public chose a California-based branding firm to "re-brand" Calgary. Almost immediately, controversy erupted over why, in the midst of a recession, a local company wasn't chosen instead. In a small news article for the Calgary Herald, dated October 18, 2009, committee chair Lance Carlson's opinion and the "unanimous" rationale of the committee. Carlson maintains the Californian firm was the most qualified out of all entrants and therefore deserves the job. He feels any controversy is missing the forest for the trees, and completely missing the point of "what the program is going to do for the city." Furthermore, he argues, the firm will be working closely with the community in order to determine what best represents Calgary. For Carlson and his committee, it appears debate on this issue is non-existent.

Tax dollars funding Terrorists

Stephanie Watt
Opinion Reporter

In this selected article David Murrell writes in to Financial Post about Canada funding the CBA (Canadian Bar Association). Our tax dollars go towards funding this program and therefore taking part in the educating of China in Canadian legal practices. And have apparently been supporting an alleged terrorist. Murrell voices his opinion on how it is outlandish that our money is funding these practices and thinks its about time it was put to a halt.

Local Politicians at Risk

Sunjeev Prasad
News Reporter

While remaining on the topic of how our tax dollars are being spent, many Calgarians are finding it difficult to muster up the support for the current politicians in control. Whether it is a an alderman or a city council member many of them may be at risk of losing their jobs as a result of the upcoming election in the fall of 2010. The only positive aspect that comes from the recent rate hikes would be the attempt of city council to lower the said hike of 6.1% all while trying to manage the city's growing list of demands, along with the $25 million shortfall from a lack of revenues. If the odds weren't already against municipal politicians the addition of a $3 fee to park at all local transit stations has remained a sour taste in the mouths of Calgarians. And last but not least is the proposed $25 million bridge, that may not be paid for by the local taxpayers but is instead being backed by the provincial government. It would be safe to say that it would not be hard to find a few Calgarians that feel this is a terrible waste of money and could be put towards easing the deficit the city has already amounted rather than blowing it on a monstrosity of a bridge. The only way to find out is to wait until next years election to see who still has a job and which new faces will be taking over office.

Year of Discontent (October 18, 2009) by: Jason Markusoff and Kim Guttormson, retrieved October 21, 2009 from:

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Study Confirms Alberta's Financial Trouble

Jordan Allatt
Analytical Reporter

Calgarians, and Albertans in general, may have to start accepting the loss of their tax advantage. After two-decades of being under-taxed in comparison to other provinces, Alberta may have to start implementing a provincial tax to get back on track, according to a new study at the University of Calgary. The study suggests that the provincial government should adopt a “growth oriented tax structure” that would reduce personal and corporate income tax. The province is forecasting a record (prepare yourself, please) 6.9 billion dollar deficit this year. The primary reason for this dramatic downturn seems to be the drop in oil and gas prices worldwide; thereby leading to a drop in government royalties. According to the study, the province should cut income taxes by increasing surcharges on private and public consumption. The study offered the use of water levies and use-related charges for non-critical health services as examples. The study does specify that low-income Albertans who would have a disproportionate burden, and should be given tax credits. Check out the Calgary Herald article via the link below. Until next time, stay classy Calgary.

"Plan It Now" and bury the West LRT

Kaitlin MacLeaod-Rogers
Opinion Reporter

This month, Calgary city council is wrapping up plans to bury some parts of the LRT. I an Op-Ed piece at The Calgary Herald, the editor claims it's well worth the extra $85 million to place the tracks underground at the 17th Avenue/45th Street intersection. The entire LRT infrastructure project is currently projected to cost $700 million. The Herald editor indicates that an extra $85 million is a drop in the bucket to do the job right: "[T]he wiser investment may cost a bit more up front, but pays off later to do the job properly the first time, than to go back and fix the mistake." As an investment in the city's future, the editor states, citizens and city council alike need to think about creating a livable, pedestrian-friendly urban scene for decades to come. "Council should get on board this train" and plan a sustainable urban scene that encourages transit use.

Municipal Debt Not a Concern for Mayor

Sunjeev Prasad
News Reporter

With Calgary steadily amounting debt as a result of all the infrastructure additions being made, the mayor remains optimistic that the looming debt will not be an issue when it comes time to pay up. According to a report in the Calgary Sun as of October 14, 2009 the mayor reinforces that he believes the province will honour its $3.3-billion promise. With that said Calgarians should not have to worry about the new LRT expansion being halted anytime soon since it is only expected to inflate the current debt of the city to $2.5 billion, which is more than offset by the province’s agreed funding. To paint a more down to earth picture of how much the city is in debt; estimates by city officials equate to roughly $5,198 per household.

Source:Mayor says debt's in hand (2009) by: Renato Gandia, retrieved October 14, 2009 From: (

Conflicts with Potential Peace Bridge

Stephanie Watt
Opinion Reporter

There is talk of a new design for a peace bridge in Calgary. Construction of the bridge would be funded by our tax dollars. Mike Blanchard emailed his thoughts to CHQR 770 Am radio station expressing exactly how he feels about contributing to the construction of the bridge. He is unhappy about it to say the least and thinks the last thing Calgary needs is this bridge. He discusses many potential problems with the bridge including it not fitting its surroundings and potential traffic obstructions. He ends asking the question of what more could be done with the 25 million dollars that could be going towards this new structure.

Calgary Snow Removal Funds

Nicole Butz
News Reporter

After the first two days being hit with snow, many Calgarians have a lot to say about the way the city is using the snow removal equipment. Tuesday accounted in over 200 accidents with Wednesday following closely behind. These delays in traffic were largely in fault of the lack of funding for snow removal in the city. Mayor Dave Bronconnier and many of the cities aldermen are in favour of an expected tax increase to feed the demand. City Hall will be adjusting the 2010 budget next month and changes will be in order. The budget is already set to increase property taxes by 6.1% which council is trying to lower to 5.3%. This is not enough to suffice the new snow removal plans. Due to the lack of sanders, the city can expect to see a $14 million cost increase per year to improve the situation. Over the past 15 years the price of snow removal has been rising and in turn costing citizens more and more in taxes. What will this mean for Calgarians and taxpayers alike? Tax increases of 1.5% or an equal cut in other services.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Arena In Clear Sight

Stephanie Watt
Analysis/Background Reporter

Kristen Odland from the Calgary Herald reports (link below) that after much rumour and debate, the president and CEO of the Calgary Flames, Ken King, has decided to move forward with the prospect of building a new arena. The concept is very exciting to some citizens, but to others not so much. It is up in the air as to whether or not tax payer’s dollars will be contributing to the construction of the sure-to-be elaborate arena, and many citizens are becoming opinionated. The prospective land in which the arena would be built on has been decided but has not yet been approved.

Is the Mayor of Calgary not a Flames fan?

Sunjeev Prasad
News Reporter

According to a report in the Calgary Sun on September 4th 2009, Mayor Dave Bronconnier showed very little support for the Calgary Flames’ proposed idea for a new arena.
The team has two potential sites in mind but at this point all remains a pipedream. Though discussions are not quite complete yet, the Mayor went on to say;
"We have made provisions on the Stampede Park for a future arena and if our tenant moves forward and wishes to build it, then we need more financial discussions as to who pays for it."
With the Flames’ dream of building a state of the art facility still in the initial stage of negotiation all is not lost and the hope remains that Flames fans will have a brand new arena sometime in the next few years to call home.

Race City will cost Calgarians $3 million

Nicole Butz
News Reporter

Calgary City Council met on Monday to discuss whether or not to renew Race City’s lease on 64 hectares of city owned land in the southeast. In a vote 8-7 it was decided that Race City could keep the land for another five years and ensure that the entrance is protected when the Shepard landfill is redesigned. The lease is now extended to 2015.
The money going towards directly subsidizing this private business will total approximately $3 million and come from taxpayer’s money. Mayor Dave Bronconnier says that this could result in about a 0.35% increase in taxes.
Race City has many supporters in order to play an active role to keep street racing off Calgary roads. However, the city needs the land to build a storm water system for the landfill. The city is now planning on building a smaller storm water system off site. When the land is acquired back from Race City, at the end of their lease, there will be plans to rebuild the storm water system. This action is said to cost the city more money overall than building on the 64 hectares right away as originally planned. The process of debating whether or not to keep Race City has sparked a lot of arguments from City Council as well as street racers and taxpayers.

Eco-Friendly Twin Arena

Jordan Allatt
Opinion Reporter

In a very polite and straight forward letter to the Calgary Herald, Udo Kaufmann brings light to an issue dealing with hockey and new arenas. Kaufmann’s voice is raised to support Calgary minor hockey. For years, he and other parents have been raising funds to pay for a new eco-friendly twin arena. Some of the cities rinks are in shambles and this new arena would alleviate continual use on the older ones. This new arena is being funded completely privately. However Kaufmann hopes to receive some financial aid from the construction companies who will be responsible for the new arena, and from the Flames organization. In his mind, a small portion of this new arena’s funds must go back to the community, to help progress this nation’s pastime. If taxpayers support the Flames’ new arena, then a portion of the proceeds may find their way into building a new twin-arena for minor hockey. The taxpayers rarely find themselves worried about providing for minor athletics unless their children are participants. Should that change? Check out the link bellow to read Kaufmann’s entire letter, and maybe you will find merit in his message.

New Arena Negativity

Kaitlin MacLeod-Rogers
Opinion Reporter

This week’s speculation surrounding a new home rink for The Calgary Flames got a lot of people talking – fans, professionals, politicians, and taxpayers alike. More specifically, people have been talking about exactly how a new arena should be funded, and who should have to foot the bill.
Carson Papke of the Sylvan Lake News voiced his opinion under the heading, “New Arenas Should Be Paid For By Owners” (link below), published Sept. 18, 2009.
Papke argues against all taxpayer involvement with regards to construction of a new Flames arena. His article brings up several points to back up his claim, all worthy of valid consideration.
He points out that the Flames (and Edmonton Oilers, who are also going through new arena discussions) are already very profitable businesses, i.e. the province’s expected surplus is better spent on the community or businesses that are actually struggling.
He also argues that tickets at sports and entertainment events are deliberately high in order to make money. That profit is the gravy boat from which any new building should be funded, Papke states. Non-hockey fans, he argues, should not have to pay for a new arena by way of their tax dollars.
If taxpaying fans of the Flames want to support their team’s building fund, he says, all they have to do is keep buying tickets to spread the love … and money.